Please do not panic. The first step is to take an appointment. You must bring all medical records and imaging studies (X-rays, MRI etc) with you. Please write down a list of questions that you might want to ask. There is information on this page that might answer all your questions.
You/ your child will meet Dr Sarup and his team members in the clinic.
Dr Sarup will carry out a detailed evaluation for you / your child.
The physical examination usually includes an assessment of the spine, trunk balance, cosmetic deformity, a neurological examination and a check for any other associated anomaly. Height and arm span measurements will be carried out at this visit, and growth charts will be made. A standing radiograph (x-ray) whole spine will be carried out. Clinical photographs will be taken for maintaining patient records.
Scoliosis treatment: A plan will be formulated at this point.
Additional tests will be ordered as a part of a comprehensive assessment. An MRI whole spine, a blood test, ultrasound scan of the abdomen, and a cardiac ECHO are usually done.
All patient data will be filed securely. Any patient related information will be shared only after due consent from the patients or their carers.
While every effort is made to treat scoliosis non-surgically, the final plan of treatment depends on age of the patient, severity of the scoliosis, scoliosis type, and the physical condition of the patient.
4-year-old child with mild scoliosis. Mild Scoliosis treatment takes form of bracing and exercises.
Non-operative treatment of Scoliosis with cast showing pre-casting curve D7 to L1 of 74 degrees. After the first cast, the curve reduced to 24 degrees. Serial casts are applied under anaesthesia to obtain scoliosis correction.
Bracing is suitable for mild- moderate curves in a growing child. Braces have to be worn for 22 hours every day. These are removed for exercises and for bathing. Braces are usually continued till the end of growth. The aim is to restrict the spinal curve to less than 30 degrees thereby avoiding surgery. The braces do not cure scoliosis, but prevent the curve from progressing.
11-year-old female with 30 degree curve, reduce to 90 degree in brace. After 15 month of bracing, curve seen to have reduced to 17 degree without any brace.
At our centre, we advise a Cheneau-Gensingen type of brace. The brace is individualized to each child. Our highly experienced orthotic service providers for scoliosis and other spinal deformities make customised braces for each child/ adolescent.
Scoliosis treatment for adults does not respond to brace treatment and should not be prescribed.
Cheneau-Gensingen Brace
What is the best treatment for scoliosis?
While most children are treated by non-operative methods with follow up maintained till the end of growth, there are situations when surgery is required:
Sometimes scoliosis presents early in life, and does not respond to conservative methods like casting, brace application. These children develop severe large curves which need surgical interventions. However, these children are very young with a lot of spinal growth still to happen. The following surgeries are offered at our clinic for these patients;
This is a fusionless method of correcting the spinal curve and allowing growth of the spine. The rods are fixed to the bent spine surgically. The rod placement allows substantial correction. Subsequently, every 6 months, a small operation is carried out to lengthen the rods and allow growth of the spinal column. This process is carried on till age 10-12 years. A final fusion with screws and rods is carried out at that stage.
Early onset scoliosis at 1 year, treated by casts and then brace. He progressed to a 70-degree curve by age 4 years at which point growth rods surgery was done.
Age 9 years 7 months. Growth rods have been expanded several times. Now has excellent correction. Curve 18 degrees
Magnetic growth rods are the latest innovation in scoliosis surgery. Here, the process is similar to growth rod surgery for the first operation. These adjustable growing rods are inserted similarly and allow for correction of the curve. Subsequently, the magnetic rods are elongated without surgery by placing an external remote controller device on top of the skin and keying in a correction length. The corrective elongation of the rods happens automatically inside the body. This avoids the need for repetitive surgery and problems associated with multiple operations.
13-Year-old with a 50-degree D7 to L1 Curve
Curves over 50 degrees often need surgery. Usually, surgery is recommended towards the end of spinal growth. The decision to operate and the timing of it is unique to every case. The goals of surgery are to prevent further progression of the curve, and achieve a degree of curve correction. Screws are placed in individual vertebrae and connected with rods. The corrected spinal curve has bone material added to it so that the vertebrae can fuse with each other. The magnitude of surgery depends upon the severity of the spinal curve. For very severe curves, 2 stage surgery is required.
A patient usually spends 5 to 10 days after surgery in the hospital. Subsequently, we encourage physiotherapy and the use of a brace for 3 months. The brace is worn during out of bed activity. Patients return to normal activities after 3 months of surgery.
Scoliosis surgery is a major operation. It has risks of neurological damage. This risk is approximately 1% in idiopathic scoliosis. We minimize this risk by offering neuromonitoring during surgery. By neuromonitoring, we are able to prevent neurological injury in most patients.
Infection is the other major risk. The incidence in our centre is 1%. To minimize this problem, we conduct our surgery in laminar air flow Operating theatres, use standard Antibiotic prophylaxis and carefully perform the surgery by modern aseptic methods. The patients are carefully monitored in the post-operative period.
We like to optimize patient care and prepare the patient for surgery. The steps we take include prescribing an aerobic exercise schedule, high protein intake and supplements.
We encourage autologous blood transfusion wherever possible. In this system, an adolescent donates his or her own blood once a week till 3-4 units of blood are reserved. These are then used during surgery. This type of blood replacement is advantageous in many ways, since there are no minor transfusion reactions, and the blood demand of a patient is drastically reduced.
Here are some examples of our operated cases:
Here is one more example of our patients who underwent Surgical correction of severe curves
Before surgery
After surgery
14-year-old female with severe scoliosis before surgery left side & after surgery right side on x-rays and spine deformity.
Before surgery
After surgery
The spine is made up of small blocks of bone stacked up on each other. These are called vertebrae.
When we look at spine from the front, it has a straight shape.
A diagnosis of scoliosis is made when there is a sideways bend in the spine. The side bending should be more than 10 degrees in order to be called scoliosis. Minor curvatures less than 10 degrees are quite common but are not called scoliosis.
X-rays of 13 year old female with 8 degree curve on AP film. The child is 13 years and towards end of growth. This much curvature is normal.
Small curves in the spine are hardly visible.
Larger curves are quite visible from the back especially when the patient bends forward.
Congenital scoliosis
Scoliosis is caused by abnormal shape of the vertebrae or defects in the spine which are present at birth. This type of scoliosis is visible and detectable early in life. It tends to get very severe with growth.
Neuromuscular Scoliosis
This is caused by disorder of the nervous system – such as Meningo-Myelocoele and Cerebral Palsy. It can also result from muscle abnormality like Muscular Dystrophy. There are many other causes of neuromuscular scoliosis.
Idiopathic Scoliosis
This is by far the most common type. In this type, there is no clearly detectable cause. Genetic factors are often at play in this group of patients. This is most commonly detected after age 9 years.
Scoliosis is quite common! It affects 1-4 % of the population. Most people have small curve severity that do not require treatment. 1 in 10 cases develop a spinal curve that needs treatment.
The clinical examination and a confirmatory radiograph ( X-ray) will clinch the diagnosis.
The easiest test to screen for scoliosis is called the Adam’s forward bending test.
The steps to carry out this test are:
This test can be easily carried out at home, classroom or the clinic.
There are other features in scoliosis which may be noticed such as;
Scoliosis increases rapidly in severity during growth period of a child, which lasts up till age 17 years. So growing makes scoliosis worse. This is not always true but happens in most cases.
Here is an example of scoliosis getting worse with rapid growth. This child was seen 11 years of age with a 27 degree D6 to D12 curve. The child did not follow up and was seen again 13 months later without any treatment. The curve had rapidly increased to 44 degrees
Once growth is complete, the curvatures do not increase if the curve measures 30 degrees or less. For curves over 50 degrees, progression does happen even after growth is complete. Usually, the increase is 1 degree per year. This is not much, but if a curve is 70 degrees at 17 years of age, it has a potential to increase by another 50 degrees by the time the patient is 67 years of age.
Some scoliotic curves that are present in infancy can resolve on their own.
Then occasionally, a spinal curve may be seen but this may not be a true scoliosis. It may be secondary to other pathologies, such as a spinal tumour, a syrinx, a vertebral infection, or even a disc prolapse. In these cases, correcting the underlying pathology corrects the scoliosis
Scoliosis is more common in females. The incidence of larger curves is higher in females. Scoliotic curves are eight times more likely to progress sufficiently such as to require treatment. However, the results of brace treatment in females of growing age are better than in males.
Scoliosis treatment depends on the severity of the curve and age of the patient.
An adolescent who has reached the end of growth with a small spinal curve and a balanced posture does not need treatment or may need physical therapy for scoliosis.
A growing child who has a diagnosis of idiopathic scoliosis with a small curve not sufficient to necessitate treatment is kept on observation in our clinic till completion of growth.
A curve of 15 degrees in a child with significant growth remaining will need to be braced. We will also recommend scoliosis specific physiotherapy in our clinic.
A very young child with a rapidly progressive scoliosis will need cast treatment followed by bracing. Many such children need growing rods surgery if casting and bracing do not work. This is fusionless surgery and allows the spine to grow as the child grows while maintain correction.
Patients with large scoliotic curves are initially treated by bracing, scoliosis specific exercises and observation. Many of these patients undergo surgery towards end of growth to balance the trunk and correct the scoliotic deformity.
Scoliosis treatment by surgery is a major operation.
A patient spends 7-8 days in the hospital after the operation. We encourage walking 72 hours following the surgery. The Child uses a brace when upright for 3 months after the operation. The patient returns to Outpatients at 2 weeks. Thereafter , light exercises are done at home. The bone takes 3 months to heal up, after which the brace is discarded.
Scoliosis treatment by surgery is very safe. Scoliosis correction is a highly successful operation with a low complication rate.
We encourage walking 72 hours following the surgery
It takes 8 weeks after surgery to return to normal activity.
Most abnormal curves are minor and may not progress to scoliosis treatment. However, observation is essential and once the curve increases, measures like brace treatment and exercises are started.
The most effective treatment depends on the type of the curve and its magnitude and progress. Scoliosis treatment without surgery and preventive treatment following early detection is the best treatment. All efforts must be made to pick up scoliosis when mild,, and then treat it by bracing and Physical therapy for scoliosis to keep the curve to under 30 degrees. Early diagnosis by an alert clinician, early treatment with brace application and exercise program is important. There is good medical evidence for these methods. A child will lead a normal life if the scoliotic deformity remains less than 30 degrees.
The scoliosis can be greatly improved by an effective exercise regime which is available through our clinic.
However, once the spine becomes arthritic and the spinal curves are large, surgery can provide the only effective solution.
No – there is no medical evidence that Ayurveda can cure scoliosis.
The life expectancy of mild to moderate idiopathic scoliosis patient is normal. Children with early onset scoliosis are at risk of developing compromised lung function and later cardiac problems.
Severe scoliosis will result in cardiac and pulmonary problems in the long term.
Many children with congenital scoliosis may have abnormality of the spinal cord, kidneys and the heart.
Please see ‘Scoliosis treatment’ as above.