• Children’s Orthopaedic & Spine Care Clinic
Arm Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Arm Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Arm deformities in children can occur due to various factors, including congenital abnormalities or acquired conditions. One specific arm deformity is pseudoarthrosis humerus, characterized by a non-union or incomplete union of the humerus bone in the upper arm.

Pseudoarthrosis humerus Treatment for Children

Pseudoarthrosis is when a bone fracture fails to heal properly, resulting in a non-union or incomplete union. In the case of pseudoarthrosis humerus, the fracture occurs in the upper arm's humerus bone. Instead of healing and uniting, the bone ends remain separate or form fibrous tissue, leading to instability and deformity.

Pseudoarthrosis humerus

Causes and Symptoms of Pseudoarthrosis humeru

The exact cause of pseudoarthrosis humerus is not fully understood. It is believed to have a multifactorial etiology involving genetic, environmental, and mechanical factors. Some studies suggest that there may be a genetic predisposition to the condition, as it can run in families.

The symptoms of pseudoarthrosis humerus can vary depending on the severity of the deformity. Common signs and symptoms include:

Visible deformity: The affected arm may appear shorter, thinner, or twisted compared to the unaffected arm.

Limited range of motion: Children with pseudoarthrosis humerus may have difficulty moving their arms entirely or experience pain and discomfort when attempting to do so.

Weakness: The arm muscles may be weakened due to the instability caused by the non-union of the bone.

Fracture recurrence: Pseudoarthrosis humerus can increase the risk of repeated fractures in the affected arm.

Treatments of Pseudarthrosis humerus

The treatment of pseudoarthrosis humerus typically requires a multidisciplinary approach involving orthopedic surgeons, rehabilitation specialists, and other healthcare professionals. The primary goal of treatment is to achieve bone union, restore stability, and improve function in the affected arm.

Conservative treatment

Conservative treatment for Treatment

In some cases, conservative measures may be attempted initially, especially if the deformity is mild or the child is too young for surgical intervention. It may involve immobilization with a cast or brace and physical therapy to strengthen the arm muscles and promote a range of motion.

Surgical intervention Treatment for Children

Surgery is often necessary to treat pseudarthrosis humerus, particularly when conservative measures have been unsuccessful or if the deformity is severe. The surgical options may vary depending on the specific case, but standard procedures include the following:

Surgical intervention
Bone grafting

Bone grafting

During this procedure, bone tissue is taken from another part of the body or a donor source and placed at the non-union site to stimulate bone healing and promote union.

Internal fixation

involves using screws, plates, or rods to stabilize the fractured bone ends and facilitate healing.

Osteotomy Treatment for Children

In cases where there is a significant deformity or angular deformity, an osteotomy may be performed to correct the alignment of the bone before stabilization. Following surgical intervention, rehabilitation plays a crucial role in the recovery process. Physical therapy is typically recommended to help restore strength, flexibility, and function in the affected arm. Regular follow-up visits with the healthcare team are essential to monitor progress, address any complications, and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. It is important to note that the success of treatment for pseudarthrosis humerus can vary depending on the individual case and the severity of the deformity. Early detection, timely intervention, and comprehensive care are critical factors in optimizing outcomes and improving the child's quality of life.

Osteotomy for children