• Children’s Orthopaedic & Spine Care Clinic
Foot Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Foot Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Foot deformities in children are characterized by irregularities, deformations or instability of the foot structure and position. It can be caused by a range of conditions that include clubfoot, flat feet, raised arches, toes and congenital or inherited abnormalities. These defects can have a negative impact on the child's gait, balance and overall foot function which could lead to discomfort, difficulty with walking or limited mobility. To correct this deformity and to help develop proper foot development in children, rapid diagnosis and suitable treatment are required.

High Arched Feet (Cavus Feet) In Children

High Arched Feet (Cavus Feet) In Children

High-arched feet, also known as cavus feet, are foot deformities that can affect children from birth. This condition is characterized by an abnormally high arch of the foot, causing the foot to have a claw-like appearance. Some common causes of high-arched feet include neurological disorders, hereditary factors, or underlying medical conditions. Symptoms of cavus feet may include foot pain, instability, difficulty finding well-fitting shoes, and an abnormal walking pattern.

Treatment for high-arched feet aims to alleviate symptoms and improve foot function. Non-surgical approaches may include physical therapy exercises to strengthen the foot muscles, custom orthotic inserts for support, and footwear modifications. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the deformity and restore normal foot function.

Foot Drop In Children

Foot drop is a condition characterized by the inability to lift the front part of the foot, causing it to drag while walking. It can be congenital or acquired through nerve injuries or neurological disorders. Common symptoms include difficulty walking, tripping or stumbling, and abnormal gait patterns.

The treatment of foot drops primarily focuses on addressing the underlying cause. Non-surgical approaches may include physical therapy, ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) to support and improve foot clearance during walking, and functional electrical stimulation (FES) to activate the muscles responsible for foot dorsiflexion. Surgical intervention may sometimes be necessary to repair or transfer damaged nerves, tendons, or muscles.

Vertical Talus In children

Vertical talus, or congenital vertical talus or convex pes valgus, is a rare foot deformity present at birth. It is characterized by the abnormal alignment of the foot, where the sole is in contact with the shinbone. Symptoms of vertical talus may include a rigid and rocker-bottom foot, difficulty with shoe fitting, pain, and impaired walking ability.

Treatment options for vertical talus typically involve a combination of non-surgical and surgical interventions. Non-surgical approaches may include stretching exercises, serial casting, and orthotic devices to correct the deformity gradually. However, surgical correction is often necessary in severe cases to realign the foot and improve its function.

Tibial and Fibular Hemimelia In Children in Gurgaon

Tibial and Fibular Hemimelia In Children

Tibial and fibular hemimelia are rare congenital limb deformities involving the absence or underdevelopment of the tibia (shinbone) and fibula (calf bone). These conditions can lead to significant functional and cosmetic abnormalities. Symptoms may include leg length discrepancies, ankle instability, and foot deformities.

Treatment for tibial and fibular hemimelia is individualized based on the specific characteristics of the deformity. It may involve limb lengthening procedures, bone grafting, external fixation devices, and orthopedic surgeries to reconstruct the affected limb. The goal is to optimize the individual's limb function, alignment, and overall quality of life.

Equinovarus / Equinovalgus / Calcaneus / Calcaneocavus In Children

Equinovarus, equinovalgus, calcaneus, and calcaneocavus are foot deformities involving the abnormal foot and ankle joint positioning. These conditions can be present at birth or develop during early childhood. Each deformity has its specific characteristics and symptoms.

Causes of these foot deformities can vary and may include genetic factors, muscle imbalances, neurological disorders, or intrauterine positioning. Symptoms may include abnormal foot alignment, difficulty walking, pain, and impaired balance.

The treatment options for equinovarus, equinovalgus, calcaneus, and calcanoecavus depend on the severity and specific characteristics of the deformity. Non-surgical approaches may involve stretching exercises, physical therapy, splinting, or orthotic devices to correct the foot alignment and improve function. In more severe cases, surgical interventions such as tendon lengthening, tendon transfers, or corrective osteotomies may be necessary to achieve proper foot alignment and restore functionality.

Foot deformities in children can significantly impact their mobility, comfort, and overall quality of life. Understanding the various types of congenital deformities and deformities that develop during development stages is crucial for early identification and intervention. Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help alleviate symptoms, improve foot function, and enhance the child's overall well-being.