• Children’s Orthopaedic & Spine Care Clinic
Knee Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Knee Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Knee deformities treatment in children refers to interventions and therapy designed to correct abnormal structures or irregularities of the hip joint, as well as its function. Common knee deformities in children include genu valgum (knock knees) or genu varum (bowlegs). Treatment options may include observation, physical therapy, bracing, or in severe cases, surgical correction. In order to allow children to participate in activities with a higher degree of comfort and mobility, the aim is to correct alignment, improve their knees' function while eliminating any associated symptoms or limitations.

Congenital Knee Dislocation, Hyperextension Dislocation Knee In Children in Gurgaon

CKD - Congenital Knee Dislocation, Hyperextension Dislocation Knee In Children

Congenital Knee Dislocation (CKD) and hyperextension dislocation of the knee are knee deformities that affect the alignment and stability of the knee joint. These conditions can be present at birth or develop during early childhood.

Causes and Symptoms of CKD In Children

The exact causes of CKD and hyperextension dislocation of the knee are not fully understood, but they may be associated with genetic factors or abnormal fetal positioning in the womb. Symptoms may include:

  • Abnormal knee joint alignment.
  • Difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected leg.
  • Potential knee instability or pain.

Treatments of CKD In Children

The treatment of CKD and hyperextension dislocation of the knee depends on the severity of the condition and its impact on the child's mobility and comfort. Non-surgical interventions may include physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, orthotic devices or braces to provide stability and support, or serial casting to correct the alignment gradually. In more severe cases, surgical interventions such as tendon transfers, ligament reconstruction, or corrective osteotomies may be necessary to realign the knee joint and improve function.

Knock Knees In Children

Knock knees, also known as genu valgum, is a knee deformity characterized by the inward angling of the lower legs, causing the knees to touch or come close together while the ankles remain apart.

Treatments of Knock Knees In Gurgaon

Knock knees in children will correct naturally as they grow older without requiring specific treatment. However, in severe or persistent cases that cause functional impairment or significant pain, treatment options may include physical therapy to strengthen the leg muscles, the use of orthotic devices or shoe inserts to promote proper alignment, or surgical interventions such as guided growth surgery or osteotomy to correct the alignment of the legs.

Bow Legs In Children

Bow legs, also known as genu varum, is a knee deformity characterized by an outward curvature of the legs, causing the knees to be apart while the ankles touch.

Bow Legs Treamtne for Children in Gurgaon

Treatments for Bow Legs In Children

Bow legs in children will correct naturally as they grow older without requiring specific treatment. However, in persistent or severe cases that cause functional impairment or significant pain, treatment options may include close monitoring by a healthcare professional, the use of orthotic devices or braces to support the legs, physical therapy to strengthen the leg muscles, or surgical interventions such as guided growth surgery or osteotomy to correct the alignment of the legs.

Causes and Symptoms of Bow Legs In Children

Bow legs can be a normal developmental variation during early childhood and usually resolve naturally as the child grows. However, in some cases, underlying medical conditions such as Blount's disease or nutritional deficiencies may contribute to the persistence of bow legs. Symptoms may include an outward curvature of the legs, a waddling gait, and potential knee or leg discomfort.

Blount's Disease In Children

Blount's disease is a rare growth disorder that affects the growth plates in the tibia (shinbone), causing it to bow inward.

Causes and Symptoms of Blount's Disease In Children

The exact cause of Blount's disease is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Obesity, early walking, and specific racial backgrounds may increase the risk of developing Blount's disease. Symptoms of Blount's disease may include bowing of the legs, an asymmetric gait, and potential knee pain or stiffness.

Blount's Disease In Children in Gurgaon
Treatments of Blount's Disease In Children

The treatment of Blount's disease aims to correct the alignment of the legs and prevent further progression of the condition. Non-surgical interventions may include using leg braces or orthotic devices to support and promote proper alignment. Physical therapy may also be recommended to strengthen the leg muscles and improve overall leg function. In more severe or progressive cases, surgical interventions such as guided growth surgery or corrective osteotomies may be necessary to realign the tibia and restore normal leg function.

Knee deformities in children can significantly impact their mobility, comfort, and overall quality of life. Early detection, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment are essential for managing these conditions effectively. The causes and severity of knee deformities can vary, and treatment plans should be tailored to each child's specific needs.