• Children’s Orthopaedic & Spine Care Clinic
Leg Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Leg Deformity Treatment For Children In Gurgaon

Leg deformity in children are abnormalities or malformations of the structure, alignment and functioning of the legs. Depending on the condition, it may involve a variety of variations like limb length discrepancies, leaning legs, knocking knees or angular abnormalities. Genetic factors, developmental difficulties, trauma or other health conditions may result in these deformities. A child's mobility, posture and quality of life may be adversely affected by leg deformities.To correct leg deformities and to help normal growth and function of the feet in children, timely diagnosis, adequate health care treatment or rehabilitation measures are essential.

ntorsion / Extorsion In Children in Gurgaon

Intorsion / Extorsion In Children

Intorsion and extorsion are leg deformities that affect the rotation of the lower limb bones. Intorsion refers to an inward rotation, while extorsion refers to an outward rotation. These conditions can occur in children during their growth and development stages.

Causes and Symptoms of Intorsion / Extorsion In Children

The exact causes of intorsion and extorsion are not fully understood, but they are believed to be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. In some cases, these deformities may be associated with certain neuromuscular conditions. Symptoms of intorsion and extorsion may include an inward or outward rotation of the legs, altered gait patterns, and possible hip or knee discomfort.

Treatments of Intorsion / Extorsion In Children

Intorsion and extorsion typically do not require specific treatment; they tend to improve naturally over time as the child grows. However, in cases where the deformity is severe or causes significant functional impairment, treatment options may include physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the hip and thigh, orthotic devices to provide support, or orthopedic surgery to correct the rotation.

Posteromedial Bowing Tibia In Children

Postero-medial bowing of the tibia is a leg deformity characterized by a curvature of the shinbone. This condition can be present at birth or develop during early childhood.

Causes and Symptoms of Posteromedial Bowing Tibia In Children

The exact causes of the posteromedial bowing tibia are poorly understood, but it is believed to be related to abnormal fetal positioning in the womb. Symptoms may include a visible curve in the tibia, difficulty walking or running, and possible pain or discomfort.

Congenital Pseudoarthrosis Tibia In Children in Gurgaon

Congenital Pseudoarthrosis Tibia In Children

Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia is a rare leg deformity where the tibia bone fails to develop fully, leading to a nonunion or abnormal connection between the bone fragments.

Causes and Symptoms of Congenital Pseudoarthrosis Tibia In Children

The exact causes of congenital pseudoarthrosis tibia are poorly understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms may include a visible fracture or abnormal connection in the tibia, leg instability, limb length discrepancies, and potential fractures or pain with physical activities.

Treatments of Congenital Pseudoarthrosis Tibia In Children

Treating congenital pseudoarthrosis tibia can be challenging and often requires a multidisciplinary approach. It may involve surgical interventions such as bone grafting, internal fixation with plates and screws, or external fixation devices to stabilize the bone and promote healing. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are essential components of the treatment plan to optimize leg function and strength.

Treatment options may include non-surgical interventions such as physical therapy, bracing, or casting and surgical procedures for more severe or complex cases. Parents and caregivers need to seek medical attention if they notice any signs of leg deformities in their children.

While some leg deformities may resolve naturally as the child grows, others may require intervention to correct the alignment, improve function, and prevent potential complications. Treatment plans should be individualized based on the specific condition, its severity, and the child's overall health.